Overview of roles and permissions

Overview of roles and permissions

When you sign up to Scrum Mate, you create an organization and become the owner of that organization. The organization is the highest level unit in Scrum Mate within you can create projects, set up teams and invite members.

Organization roles

You can invite people with whom you want to collaborate to your organization. Members of the organization can access projects and can be a member of a team.

Members of the organization have one of the following organization roles.


When you invite a new member to your team, she will get the member role by default. Organization members can work on projects and team boards according to their project and team permissions.


Each organization has a single owner who has unlimited control over the organization. The owner can create, delete and modify projects and teams, invite users to the organization and revoke the membership of existing members. The organization owner is the only user who can change the subscription and payment settings of the organization.

The owner can transfer the ownership to another member of the organization.


Organization admins can help the owner in the administrative tasks of the organization. Admins can perform the following operations on the organization.

  • Invite users to the organization, and revoke user membership
  • Change the organization role of members of the organization (except the owner role)
  • Create, rename and delete projects and teams
  • Connect teams with projects
  • Set project and team permissions of organization members

Project permissions

A project is a high level goal or initiative, represented by a backlog that contains all work that needs to be done to achieve the desired outcome. Users with the appropriate permission can view or edit the backlog of the project.

  • Write permission. Members with write permission can create, modify and delete backlog items, topics and tags within in the backlog.
  • Read permission. Members with read permission can view the project backlog, but can't edit its content.

Members without a project read or write permission can't open the project backlog. However, when a connected team pulls a backlog item to their board, members of the team will be able to edit and even delete user stories regardless of their project permission.

Team permissions

A team can work on several projects. Each team has their own board where team members can manage their work. Team permission refer to what operations a team member can perform on the team board.

When a user story of a project is moved to a team's board, the team permission defines what operations a user can perform on the story.

  • Manage permission. Users with manage permission can customize the columns of the board, start and finish Scrum sprints and deliver user stories from the board.
  • Write permission. Users with write permission can create, modify and delete any story card on the board.
  • Read permission. With read permission, a user can view everything on the board, but can't modifiy its content.