Filtering stories in the backlog or board

Filtering allows you to focus on stories that match certain criteria. For example, you may want to focus on stories that are tagged with “Site visitor” tag and are in the “News” topic.

When you apply a filter to a board or backlog, you can read the most important summary data at the footer section of the view.  

What properties can I use as filter criteria?

You can filter user stories of the current view based on the following criteria.

  • Text in story ID or story title
  • Tag on story
  • The topic of the story
  • Members joined to the story
  • Due date of the story

Adding a filter criterion

To apply a filter to the content of the backlog or board, click on the filter icon to open the filter criterion selection popup.

The fastest way to apply a filter is to start typing the name of the property you want to use as a filter criterion. 

Here are a few examples of using the input field.

  • If you want to filter all stories that are tagged with City visitor tag, type “visitor” into the input field and select the “City Visitor” tag from the dropdown list.
  • If you want to filter to stories that contain the text “visitor” in their title, type the “visitor” text into the input field and select the Title or ID contains “visitor” option from the pop-up filter menu.
  • If you want to filter to stories that have a due date for this week, type in “this week” and select.
  • If you want to filter to stories that are not assigned to any topic, type “no” into the filter input field and select “No topic” item under the Topics section.

Combining filter criteria

You can add more than one filter criterion and define their matching rules. To combine filter criteria, add more than one filters on the filter panel.

In the matching rule selection popup, select if you want to filter to stories that match all of the specified criteria or any of the specified filter criteria. The default matching rule is “match any”.

For example, if you want to see those stories only that are tagged with “City Visitor” tag or they are in the “News” topic, add both filters and select the “Match any” option in the matching rule popup.

Negating a criterion

You can also filter to stories that are not satisfying a criterion. For example, if you want to show all stories that are not tagged with “City Visitor” tag, you can negate the filter criterion. 

Alt+Click to a filter condition in the filter panel to negate it.

Adding filter criteria via the tags or topics panel

You can filter on a topic or tag via the topics and tags panel. Hover the mouse pointer over a topic or tag item on the panel and click on the filter icon to set the topic or tag as a filter criterion.

If you want to add more items to the filter set, hold the CMD (on a mac) or the CTRL (on a PC) or the SHIFT (on any platform) key and click on multiple items on the tags or topics panel.

When you add a filter condition via the tags or topics panel, the filter panel won’t show up automatically. The filter icon on the top-right section of the page will turn into a blue button indicating that the filtering is on. Click on this button to access the filter conditions.

Using hierarchical topics in filters

If there are hierarchical topics in your project both root topics and child topics can contain stories. When you add a root topic to filter conditions, it will filter to stories that are assigned directly to the root topic.

If you click on a root topic when the topic hierarchy is collapsed, all topics within the hierarchy will be added as filter criteria.

Archived tags and topics as filter criteria

Archived tags and topics don’t show up in the filter selection panel.

If you want to filter the current view based on an archived topic or tag, open the tags or topics panel, select the “Show archived” option from the panel menu and click on the filter icon that appears when you hover the mouse pointer over a topic or tag item.