Setting up Slack integration

Scrum Mate integration with Slack notifies your team members of personal messages and publish board and backlog events to a specified Slack channel.

Receive your personal notifications as a Slack direct message

Every Scrum Mate user can add Slack integration to their private notifications. (Slack Team Owners can restrict this permission in Slack. You can learn more about  adding an app to Slack here.)

To forward your personal Scrum Mate notifications to Slack as a direct message.


Select 'Settings' from your profile menu


Select 'Notifications' on the left navigation bar


Click on #Add to Slack button


Authorize Scrum Mate to your selected Slack Team


Select your Slack user from the list and click the Save button

Now, your personal Slack integration is set! You'll receive your Scrum Mate notifications as Slack direct messages.

Create a project journal with Slack

Team members can stay up to date on activities performed on any board or in any backlog. By forwarding the activity logs to a Slack channel, you can gather all events into one place. Here are some of the events Scrum Mate can forward to your team channel when someone:

  • Created or deleted a story or task
  • Changed the status of a story or task
  • Commented a story or task
  • Updated the description, name or estimated effort of a story or task

You need a  Scrum Mate Admin role to connect a Slack channel to a Scrum Mate Backlog or Board. When a board or backlog is connected to a Slack channel, activity logs will be forwarded to the Slack channel.


Select 'Settings' from your profile menu


Select 'Slack' from the Integrations section on the left navigation bar


Click on 'Add to Slack' button


Select the Slack channel for each board or backlog

Your selection will be saved automatically. From now, event logs from the chosen boards and backlogs will be forwarded to the selected Slack channel.

Adding new Slack team integration

You can connect your Scrum Mate Organization to multiple Slack teams. This can be useful if your Scrum Mate projects are related to separate Slack teams. To manage multiple Slack team integrations, click on the 'Manage Slack teams' button on the Slack integration settings screen.

Click on the '+ Add Slack team' button to connect to a new Slack team.

Removing a Slack team integration

To remove a Slack integration from Scrum Mate, move your mouse pointer over a Slack team, and click on the red X button.

Click on 'Delete' button to confirm and delete.