Add users to a project or a team

You need an admin or owner organization role to invite users or change their project and team board permission.

To add users to a project or a team, click on the 'Add user' icon at the top right area of the backlog or board.

Step 1 : Click on the 'Add user' icon

The invite users popup appears.

Step 2 : Enter the email address of new the user(s)

You can invite users who are already member of your organization and also users who are not in your organization yet.

Tip: if you want to add an existing member of your organization, press the Down arrow key [⬇︎] on your keyboard when editing the input field to make the list of team members appear.

If you want to invite someone who is not a member of your organization yet, type in her email address.

Click on [Next] button to continue.

Step 3 : Enter the first name of the new users

If you added an email address that is already a user of Scrum Mate, you'll see her profile photo and first name on the list. If you enered an email address who is not a member of Scrum Mate yet, you'll be asked to enter the first name of that user.

Step 4 : Set permissions for the new users

Before adding the new user to the project, you can set their permissions.

Once you set up the permissions, click on the [Invite] button.

Close the popup window that informed you about successfull operation.

You're done! :-)