Archive a Topic

You can use topics to manage projects, initiatives or epics. At some point, your team might finish all user stories within a topic and don’t want to see the topic in the topic panel anymore. You can archive completed topics to get them out of your daily work, but keep them for administrative and reporting purposes.

Archiving a topic will simply remove the topic from the topic selection lists. You can unarchive a topic at any time. Archiving a topic will not affect user stories assigned to that topic.

Archiving a topic

To archive a topic, open the topic panel.

Move the mouse pointer over the topic you want to archive and click on the [⋮] icon.

From the topic menu, select ‘Archive’.

Unarchiving an archived topic

If you want to re-open an archived topic you can unarchive it at any time.

To unarchive an archived topic, open the topic panel.

Make archived topics visible: on the topic panel header, open the topic panel menu and select ‘Show archived’.

Move the mouse pointer over the archived topic you want to unarchive.

From the topic menu select ‘Unarchive’